Sorted Food Boys at Housewares Conference – Pukka Presentation!

This weeks Housewares Conference is a chance for all the Grandees of the Kitchen and Housewares industry to get together and review the good, bad and ugly of trading and products.

I have represented Havens at the last couple of events so getting used to the format. The conference has a number of speakers and for me the presentation that set me alight was the boys from @SortedFood.

In truth I had never heard of them, not on my radar and I suspect that would be the case for the majority of the attendees. Boy do I know about them now!

Not many people straight out of prep school inspire me – by their standards at 50 something I am old and  wisened and have seen most things before. Ben and Barry bounced on the stage with an enthusiasm and confidence that shook us all out of our conferencesque slumber.

Half an hour later I was spell bound by what they had achieved. Utube, Faceache (as I call it) tweeting, liking, views, followers, all now part of my lexicon, though as yet to be mastered. A simple concept of easy to make tasty grub videoed and shared with a community of millions. The delivery is quirky, interesting, personal and above all relevant to it’s audience and the obvious marketing opportunities endless. Already many are looking at and copying – inevitable – but these boys are seriously switched on doing something that just comes natuarally to them. And it shows.

Audience with the great and good of Google in their US offices is impressive, with what should have been a daunting experience at the conference they presented with out a hint of nerves, arrogance nor complacency.

Loved their natural enthusiasm, their business model, they certainly inspired me in these challenging times – they all deserve their success to date and it is not going to be too long before Sorted becomes Minted! Well done and Good Luck the Boys.

Now let’s get on with that Epic Millionaires Shortbread!

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